29 Jul 2012

Resource bundle for dynamic view object

We can use ADF BC API to create dynamic view objects at run-time and present the data in UI with dynamic:table, dynamic:form, "forEach" or with any other approach. The question is: how to setup correct UI hints for the VO's attributes?
The example below creates a dynamic VO VEmployees:
     String queryStmt = "select Employee_ID,  Last_Name from Employees";
     vo = createViewObjectFromQueryStmt("VEmployees", queryStmt);

By default labels of the query fields are equal to the field names. Of course, we can set the labels directly:
     AttributeDefImpl at = (AttributeDefImpl) vo.getAttributeDef(0);
     at.setProperty(AttributeDefImpl.ATTRIBUTE_LABEL, "Unique ID");

     at = (AttributeDefImpl) vo.getAttributeDef(1);
     at.setProperty(AttributeDefImpl.ATTRIBUTE_LABEL, "Last Name");
We can do even more. Let's take care of the locale:
     AttributeDefImpl at = (AttributeDefImpl) vo.getAttributeDef(0);
     at.setProperty(AttributeDefImpl.ATTRIBUTE_LABEL, "Unique ID");
     at.setProperty(AttributeDefImpl.ATTRIBUTE_LABEL+"_ukr_UA", "Iдентiфiкатор");

     at = (AttributeDefImpl) vo.getAttributeDef(1);
     at.setProperty(AttributeDefImpl.ATTRIBUTE_LABEL, "Last Name");
     at.setProperty(AttributeDefImpl.ATTRIBUTE_LABEL+"_ukr_UA", "Прiзвище");     

But what if we want to store UI hints in a resource bundle file (or files for different locales)? Instead of setting some value for the label directly, we have to set resource ID and set particular resource bundle for the VO's ViewDef. In the following example we call getResourceBundleDef() method to get the resource bundle of the current Application Module. This is a common practice to have one bundle per project.
     AttributeDefImpl at = (AttributeDefImpl) vo.getAttributeDef(0);
     at.setProperty(AttributeDefImpl.ATTRIBUTE_LABEL +"_ResId", 

     at = (AttributeDefImpl) vo.getAttributeDef(1);
     at.setProperty(AttributeDefImpl.ATTRIBUTE_LABEL +"_ResId", 

     ViewDefImpl viewDef = (ViewDefImpl) ((ViewObjectImpl) vo).getDef();

The resource bundle properties file has the following fragment:
VEmployees.Id_LABEL=Unique ID
VEmployees.LastName_LABEL=Last Name

In order to use a separate properties file or, probably, we want to implement our custom resource bundle, retrieving resources from let's say a database, we have to create a resource bundle definition ourselves:
     AttributeDefImpl at = (AttributeDefImpl) vo.getAttributeDef(0);
     at.setProperty(AttributeDefImpl.ATTRIBUTE_LABEL +"_ResId", 

     at = (AttributeDefImpl) vo.getAttributeDef(1);
     at.setProperty(AttributeDefImpl.ATTRIBUTE_LABEL +"_ResId", 

     ViewDefImpl viewDef = (ViewDefImpl) ((ViewObjectImpl) vo).getDef();
     //Create custom properties bundle definition
     PropertiesBundleDef rb = new PropertiesBundleDef(viewDef);

That's it!

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