31 Jul 2013

URL Task Flow Call with HTTP POST Method

As we know a bounded task flow can be invoked by some URL either directly from a browser or from some external application. This feature is enabled if task flow's property "URL invoke" is set to "url-invoke-allowed" and it is commonly used in integration projects. Usually clients (or invokers) use HTTP GET method and pass their parameters in the URL. Let's consider some simple task flow with one required input parameter:
  <task-flow-definition id="task-flow-definition">    
    <input-parameter-definition id="__23">
      <name id="__24">userName</name>
      <value id="__67">#{requestScope.userName}</value>
      <class id="__63">java.lang.String</class>

 The task flow can be invoked by the URL like this

The client uses a simple html form to construct this GET request:

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
   <form action="">
   <input type="hidden" name="adf.tfId" value="task-flow-definition"/>  
   <input type="hidden" name="adf.tfDoc" value="/WEB-INF/task-flow-definition.xml"/>  
        User Name 
      <input type="text" name="userName" value="xammer"/>  
      <input type="submit" value="Submit"/>

And it looks like this:

Everything is ok. So far. It works fine for R1 and for R2 as well.
Some clients prefer to use HTTP POST method, and moreover this is their requirement:

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
   <form action="" method="POST">
   <input type="hidden" name="adf.tfId" value="task-flow-definition"/>  
   <input type="hidden" name="adf.tfDoc" value="/WEB-INF/task-flow-definition.xml"/>  
        User Name 
      <input type="text" name="userName" value="xammer"/>  
      <input type="submit" value="Submit"/>


And it works fine as well. The URL in this case is going to look like this:

All other necessary information like task flow id and parameter value is inside POST request. But the problem is that it works fine for R1 only. If we try it out on R2 we will get the following:

ADF_FACES-30179:For more information, please see the server's error log for an entry beginning with: The UIViewRoot is null. Fatal exception during PhaseId: RESTORE_VIEW 1.

Why? Because of that:

oracle.adfinternal.controller.application.InvokeTaskFlowException: ADFC-02006: A task flow ID is not found in the URL.
    at oracle.adfinternal.controller.util.UrlParams.getTaskFlowInfo(UrlParams.java:144)
    at oracle.adfinternal.controller.application.RemoteTaskFlowCallRequestHandler.invokeTaskFlowByUrl(RemoteTaskFlowCallRequestHandler.java:84)
    at oracle.adfinternal.controller.application.RemoteTaskFlowCallRequestHandler.doCreateView(RemoteTaskFlowCallRequestHandler.java:63)

All necessary data included task flow id which is supposed to be passed inside POST request is lost. Why?  Because of "loopback". If we discover requests sent from the browser to the server on clicking the Submit button we'll see the following:

Instead of one we have two requests. And the first one (POST) is ours. Exploring the response for this request we can see the following:

 So, instead of sending the "honest" response, the server sends some "loopback" script which generates "window id" and sends the following GET request with generated window id. Cool! But all post data is gone. The GET request is absolutely empty.
Fortunately, the framework doesn't generate any "loopbacks" if the initial POST request has already some "window id". So, the workaround for our case is to develop a servlet filter, setting the "window id" attribute for our request:
public void doFilter(ServletRequest servletRequest,
                     ServletResponse servletResponse,
                     FilterChain filterChain)
  throws IOException, ServletException
  HttpServletRequest r = (HttpServletRequest) servletRequest;
  HttpSession s = r.getSession();
  //May be this is not an initial request and window id has been generated earlier
  //We want all the following requests to work with the same window id 
  //For our use-case this is ok    
  String windowID = (String) s.getAttribute(_WINDOW_ID_KEY);
  if (windowID == null)
    String pathInfo = r.getPathInfo();
    //This is an initial POST request to get access to the task flow
    if (("/adf.task-flow").equals(pathInfo) &&
      windowID = WINDOW_ID;
      //Save window id in the session 
      s.setAttribute(_WINDOW_ID_KEY, windowID);


  //Setup attribute for the request
  //This will prevent generating of the loopback
  if (windowID != null)
    r.setAttribute(_WINDOW_ID_KEY, windowID);

  filterChain.doFilter(servletRequest, servletResponse);

private static final String __WINDOW_MANAGER_KEY = RichWindowManager.class.getName();
private static final String _WINDOW_ID_KEY = __WINDOW_MANAGER_KEY + "#WINDOW_ID";  
private static final String WINDOW_ID = "wextflow";

Notice, that this filter should stand before "trinidad" filter in the filter chain:

That's it!

19 Jul 2013

Passivation and Activation of View Objects with Transient Attributes

Within passivation/activation cycle of application modules the framework passivates and activates view objects as well. Usually the framework saves information about VO's state, current row, bind variables values and such. But not the data. The VO's query is going to be re-executed and the data is going to be re-fetched after activation of the view object. In most cases the query execution is not performed during or right after the activation phase, but is deferred until the view object is really used. This behavior is quite logical. Let's assume that our application consists of several pages representing data of different view objects. If we send requests to the server from the same page we are going to get VOs executed that are used on that page only. All other view objects, used on other pages, are going to be passivated and activated as well. But they are not going to be re-executed until we ask the framework to do that by navigating to the particular page. And that's cool! It means that we don't perform unnecessary query executions and we don't waste our memory. But there are some cases when the framework performs VO's query execution during the activation phase not bothering whether we really use the VO.
One of these cases is about using of transient VO's attributes. The common recommendation is to not passivate such attributes. But sometimes transient attributes are used to store some custom data and passivation/activation mechanism is used as a convenient way to save this data and keep it alive. Be careful with this approach. If any values of transient attributes are passivated, then the framework will execute the query during the activation of the view object.

Let's consider a sample application with two pages - Employees and Departments.

We use read-only SQL-based view objects browsing data on both pages:

So all VO's attributes are transient and we're not going to passivate them. Application module pooling is disabled:

 Exploring the request sent from the Employees page with ODLA we can see the following:

There is no any query execution within application module activation phase. The VEmployees query has been executed in prepare model phase as it was expected.
And now let us change the passivate parameter of one of the VDepartments attributes:

I am going to start the application with the Departments page in order to get the VDepartments VO executed and after that navigate to the Employees page. Sending next requests from the Employees page (for example sorting the table) we are going to get the following picture: 

It is obvious that besides execution of VEmployees query the framework executes VDepartments as well. And VDepartments is executed during the activation of the application module. Do we really need that? We are wasting CPU resources for unnecessary query executions and wasting memory to store query collections of unused view objects. The framework demonstrates the same behavior for view objects that have any dynamic attributes and for master view objects with retain view link accessors set on. So, be aware of these features.

That's it!