31 Oct 2017

Implementing Dynamic Dialog Handler with Functional programming

In my previous post I mentioned a common use case when we need to programmatically check if the current transaction is dirty and notify a user about that before doing something. Like "You have unsaved changes that will be lost, do you want to continue?".
Suppose that we need to notify the user about dirty transaction in many places across the application, when navigating from one view to another, when clicking Search button, when invoking a business service method, etc. So, in every single scenario we need to do different things after the user confirms that they want to proceed. It means that our dialog listener should know somehow what it was all about and what to do next.

The solution could be to add a custom attribute to the af:dialog component pointing to a function which is going to be invoked when the user clicks "Yes" on the dialog:

<af:popup id="pDirtyTransaction" contentDelivery="lazyUncached">
  <af:dialog title="Warning" type="yesNo" closeIconVisible="false"
     <af:outputText value="You have unsaved changes, do you want to continue?"

     <f:attribute name="dialogHandler" value=""/>                   


In that case the dialog listener may look like this:

public void dirtyTransactionDialogListener(DialogEvent dialogEvent) {       
  Map attrs = dialogEvent.getComponent().getAttributes();
  Consumer<Boolean> dialogHandler = (Consumer) attrs.get("dialogHandler");
  if (dialogHandler != null) {
      dialogHandler.accept(dialogEvent.getOutcome() == DialogEvent.Outcome.yes);

We expect here that dialogHandler attribute points to an object implementing Consumer functional interface.

There is a method in our utils showing the popup with the dialog:

public static void showDirtyTransactionPopup(Consumer dialogHandler) {
  if (dialogHandler != null) {

  RichPopup popup =
      (RichPopup) JSFUtil.findComponent("pDirtyTransaction");
  popup.show(new RichPopup.PopupHints());

Let's use this approach in a simple scenario. There are two view activities in our task flow View1 and View2. The user clicks a button to navigate from one view to another. While navigating we need to check if the current transaction is dirty and if it is ask the user if they want to proceed. We can leverage the power of Java 8 Lambda expressions and implement the button action listener  like this:

public void buttonActionListener(ActionEvent actionEvent) {

  if (Utils.isTransactionDirty()) {       

       Utils.showDirtyTransactionPopup((yesOutcome) -> {          

           //the code below will be invoked by the dialog listener
           //when the user clicks a button on the dialog                                                                     
           if ((Boolean) yesOutcome) {
               //the user has agreed to proceed,
               //so let's rollback the current transaction

               //and queue an action event for this button again
               new ActionEvent(actionEvent.getComponent()).queue();
           } });

   } else
       //just navigate to View2

Basing on this technique we could implement a declarative component serving as a dialog with a dynamic content and a dynamic handler.

That's it!

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